What is Ethics, Values, and Morality? What is the differences among them?

What is Ethics, Values, and Morality? What is the differences among them? 


The word Ethics is a combination of the Greek words Ethos and Ics. This is a branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of a conduct of an individual or group. It works as a guiding principles as to  decide what is good or bad. They are the standards which governs the life of a person. 

In the definition of Ethics  many say: The basic concept and principles of decent human behavior are called ethics. It includes universal values ​​such as equality between men and women, human or natural rights, adherence to the laws of the land, health, security and consideration of the wider natural.

In a word, Ethics are principles of behavior that distinguish between right and wrong.

Some example of Ethics:









Types of Ethics:


1.Meta Ethics

Ethical philosophy that analyses the meaning and scope of moral values. 

2.Descriptive Ethics

The branch of ethics  that deals with psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc.

3.Normative Ethics-

The study of the moral course of action through practical means.

4. Applied Ethics :

Finally, when applied ethics is concerned, it deals with controversial topics as animal rights, war,and capital punishment. 

What Is The Difference Between Ethics And Morals?

There is little difference between ethics and morals. Ethics tells the society as a whole what is proper and improper action in a given situation. Morals reflect the intentions of an individual and impact his behavior in a situation accordingly

Some specific  difference between ethics and values

1. Ethics are the general guideline that dictates our behaviours. And values are the guidelines that guide and individual decision. 

2. Ethics remains the same for all individuals and values can be change individual to another. 

3. Ethics does not change with time, on the contrary values can be change over time. 

4. Ethics are influenced by professions, organisations, institutions. On the other hand values are influenced by culture, religion, family background, and community. 

5. Moral deal with what is right and wrong. Ethics deals with wthat is good or evil.


The English word for values means principles or standards of behaviour, one's judgment of what is important in life. It is based on the etymological meaning of three Latin words. The words are: Vale ( strength or strength), Val ( worth or value) and Valu (valor or courage, might, valor, valor). Collectively, these words mean 'all good things'.

Definition: The thoughts, goals, intentions and intentions that control and manage the overall behavior and actions of the people we usually call values.

M.R. According to William, ‘values ​​are a measure of human will. It is the standard by which human behavior and customs are regulated, and it is by this standard that the good and the bad of human society are judged.

Some example of values: 

• Acceptance

• Authenticity

• Balance

• Bravery

• Calm

• Commitment

• Compassion

• Concern for others

• Courage

• Creativity

• Curiosity

• Ethics

• Excellence

• Fairness

• Faith

• Family

• Freedom

• Friendships

• Generosity

• Happiness

• Hardworking

• Harmony

• Health

• Honesty 

What Are The main 3 Types Of Values?

Three types of values are:

Personal values

Work values

Character values

★Other types of values

1. Social values 

2. Political values 

3. Democratic values

4. Religious values 

5. Cultural values 

6. Moral values 

7. Economic values 

8. Spiritual values

9. Modern values 

★The basis or element of values.

1. Principles and sense of propriety.

2. Social justice

3. Discipline

4. Tolerance

5. Compassion

6.The dignity of labor

7. Rule of law

Let’s take a closer look at values vs. ethics here:

1.Meaning- Ethics are guidelines whereas values are principles.

2.Consistency- Ethics remain the same for everyone unlike values.

3. Impact of time- Ethics does not change with time but values do.

4.Limiting or motivating -

Ethics are limiting while values are motivating for an individual.

What Is The Similarity Between Values And Ethics?

Both ethics and values help shape our personalities. They impact all the decisions we make in our lives.


The synonym of morality are principle, righteousness, Justice, morals, integrity, purity, philosophy, etc . The English word morality comes from the Latin word 'moralitas'. Which means correct behavior or character.

In his definition of morality, Jonathan Haidt says that morality originated from religion, tradition, and human behavior.

In a word, morality is a human quality for which a person does not have to be punished by any authority. 

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