A dialogue Between tow friends about the importance of learning English.

Dialogue about important of learning English 

 A dialogue Between tow friends about the importance of learning English.

English is an international language. Now it has been using all over the word as a second language. Knowing English and talking in English is a smartness now. For getting good and high demanded job we have to know English . Without expert in English we cannot find any good job. All offices, Institutions, Companies are now hiring people who are expert in English. This the era of science and technology there are no alternative option to use except English. 


Now we are going to make a conversation about importance of learning English. Here are two characters Myself and Mahade.

Myself:  hello Mahade, what is the result  of your brother in the SSC exam.?

Mahadi : what should I say;  he has failed in English though  he obtained  GPA-4.00

Myself: really, I am socked to hear such a news.  I cannot believe it.

Mahadi: English has been taught as a compulsory subject in our educational system.  Yet a large number of students fail in English every year.

Myself: Right, the students'  failure  in English is  so alarming that the whole nation is fightened for the future of the country.   

Mahadi : actually there are many difficulties of learning English in our country. 

Myself: you are right,  the method of English teaching here quite unscientific and unsound. 

Mahadi: in the primary level teacher are not so efficient in teaching English. so students get no interest in learning English and it continues in higher  too.

Myself : yes you are right, exactly.  I think government should take proper step to remove these difficulties. 

 A dialogue Between tow friends about Road accident of our country

Road accident is a common affairs in our country. There have some developed country where road accident not occur so much. But in developing countries this is common things. Today we are going to make dialogue about it. in this dialogue Jamil and Anil are two character. lets continue the dialogue from Jamil. 

Dear people, This dialogue is written for daily uses conversation. We can use this topic and the sentence for continue a conversation with our mates and students. 

Jamil: Hello,  Anil! Why do you look so sad?

Anil: The news of the death of all the members of a family in a road accident has made me so sad. 

Jamil: really it's very sad that there is not a single day you will find without news of road accident. 

Anil: can you tell me the reasons of so many road accidents?

Jamil: Reckless driving, lack of traffic police, violation of traffic rules and signals and overloads vehicles are the main causes of road accidents. 

Anil: Yes, you are right but  the condition of a road are not also good at many points. 

Jamil: What can be done to reduce road accident? 

(A dialogue between customer and phone operator, to read click here.)

Anil: drivers should be given training. People should be made aware of traffic rules and signals. 

Jamil: Yes!  Thank you for your discussion.   

A dialogue Between tow friends about Sitting up a Library in society or village)

Anil: You're welcome. 

 A dialogue Between tow friends about Sitting up a Library in society or village 

Kamal: Hello, Jaber, How are you?

Jaber: I'm fine and you?

Kamal: I'm so fine. When have you come?

Jaber: Nice. I came last night.  Are you free now?  I want to talk with you on some important matter.  

Kamal:  What's that? I'm free to hear you. 

Jaber: I have made a plan to sit up a public library in our village.  What do you think?

Kamal: That's an excellent idea. Our village people  particularly young generation will be benefited a lot.

Jaber:  We can talk with our elders in our village about it. I think we can set it up besides the school i field. 

Kamal: A very good idea.  I must help you in every manners.

Jaberc: So we can talk about it with others and at first we can form a committee. 

Kamal: Yes, Right.  Then we can help spread the light of knowledge among our village people. 

Jaber : Surely that. Thank you for your giving helpful hand.

Kamal: thank you for Your idea. 

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